Thursday, April 23, 2009

Talk terrorism

Hello everyone...This is my very first blog..i dedicate this to all those who find it really hard to close their mouths once they'v opened them..
Yes...To all kathis(Knives)..This one's for u fellas..long live u people..

Have u ever tasted an hour long, standing lecture on practically nothing from ur 60 year old neighbour in return for a smile that u gave him?have u regretted a casual "hello" that u happened to give ur old school buddy which followed a high voltage, detailed lecture on the list of girlfriends he has?Have u ever learned a lesson after u gave ur professor a feel good comment just for the sake of it?If your answer is yes, welcome aboard.

Well people, we all are living in a society where torture takes several forms, is it not?work stresses, headaches, diseases,scolding from parents,advices, unnecessary rules; what not. But this thing,i mean these pompous, heartbreaking lectures from people whom we never thought of as being so cruel, i must tell u, are not silly ones.Infact it could be the king of all forms of tortures.I will tell u how..

its been two days in train once u boarded it from delhi to cochin.u are getting to breathe some kerala air and u are thrilled.u slept in train, u finished ur agatha chrsitie,u counted hours and minutes and cursed the pantry people for sabotaging ur stomach with their delicacies.heaven is nowhere but in the toilet..but God doesnt seem so friendly..pipes go dry..wonderful memories of making it at home visit ur mind.u get down at station,ur stomach being carried by both of ur hands.U take an auto in no time, roar at the rickshaw driver to make it fast.alright, now u are at the gate. u pay him the money..wat next.ur toilet?wait a it not ur padosi uncle looking over his gate while watering his plants.?yeah it is..he wants to know how it is goin in delhi.."Everything is fine, uncle", u reply."NO..Everything's not fine..its recession time and i heard delhi is totally down"..Thats it..its just the beginning of probably a half an hour lecture on recession and ways to tackle it.U are dead.

Imagine another instance.Its 9.30 in the night and it was ur wedding day.Months long telephone marathons end and she is now just within ur reach.u are a little tensed and u have a light dinner.u take a deep breath and u are about to enter your room where she is waiting for you. mom calls u from behind, says ur uncle is about to leave.u thought its customary to bid him bye
and maybe, seek his blessings. u know that he is a knife but u are pretty sure that u'd be spared today.after all he is also a married man.he knows the thing.U were wrong.its 10.00 and u still find urself standing next to him bearing his class on how to handle woman and how clumsy can they be if not handled properly.u see ur girl through the window give in to slumber and thats lose, ur uncle wins.."God bless him", u murmur.

One can call these people "talk terrorists"..while ordinary terrorists may carry bombs and guns in their hands, these "talk terrorists" come empty handed and do the same thing.they put ur life at stake.they make u realise that hell is no separate place.that it could well be around you only.and u owe them something for giving u this lesson.

I feel that talk terrorism can be identified with baldness, in the sense that both do not have proper cure developed so far..if u lose ur hair, never in ur life will u gain it.In a similar way, a gifted person patronises talk terrorism right from his birth and continues practising it till his death..One vital difference between an ordinary terrorist and a talk terrorist is that while the former may know that he is a terrorist and can be self aware, the latter always remains unaware
of his gifted talent and keeps rocking..The fact that they could be the most dreadful form of life on earth, never makes them proud or contented.they keep improving after each lecture they give and are always in a lookout for preys.

So the most relevant question now..How to save our souls??Is there really any way out??

No one knows the answer.or none so far..Keep Praying.God will answer ur prayers or atleast, we hope so.